“The Most Important Fact a Man Can Ever Learn”

Years ago, my wife Wendy and I lived for a couple of years in a flat in Kernick House, Queen’s College, Parkville, just north of Melbourne’s CBD, while I studied Theology to earn my degree. The flat adjacent to ours was occupied from time to time by visiting professors, so we usually got to meet them face to face.

One such visitor was Professor Ernst Kasemann, born 12 July 1906, died 17 February 1998, who spent about a term as our next door neighbour. I read some of his books and sat in many of his lectures, the content of most of which I have totally forgotten during the intervening decades. But what is totally unforgettable to me are a couple of the things he said to me in person.

One day, Professor Eric Osborn knocked on my door and asked if I could assist in carrying some of prof. Kasemann’s luggage across to the car park. As we commenced our long walk across the beautiful green lawns of Queen’s College,  prof. Osborn said, “Just think, Phil, when you are old and grey and your grand children are sitting around your feet, you will be able to say to them, ‘I once carried the luggage for professor Kasemann from the University of Tubingen!'” Kasemann instantly replied, “If Phil’s grandchildren have any sense at all, they will respond,’Kasemann? Who is Kasemann? Please Grandpa, tell us the stories about Jesus!'”

Shortly thereafter, Eric asked, “Professor Kasemann, in all your studies, considering all the books you have read, and considering all the Theological truths you have learned throughout your life, what do you consider to be the most important theological fact a man can possibly learn throughout his life?” Instantly, without a moment’s hesitation, the response was: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!” At this, I leapt up, punched the air and enthusiastically yelled out, “Yes!” Kasemann said, “Phil already knows this fact.” He then went on to say that no matter how many books one could read or how many lectures one could audit, there was nothing more important a man could ever learn but that Jesus loves him.

I still reckon this is a true statement to this day.

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