Straddie Weekend (continued)

After completing the post for Saturday, I decided to decline the invitation to go out to dinner, mainly because my belly was still too full from lunch, but also because I needed extra sleep to get ready for getting up at 23:30 (11:30 pm) on Sunday night to go to work on Monday.

Chris prepares the Sunday breakfast.
The view from the front verandah of Pat’s Retreat.
Looking through the greenery towards the front street.
Looking straight down at the garden beside the driveway.

Sunday morning I awoke about 04:00 (4:00 am) and did my usual reading (you may check out to see what I love to start each day by reading), bought some extra data allowance from my phone company, and finished preparing yesterday’s post for this blog and then went back to bed for another hour or two.

Chris offers up burnt offerings, or you might say, blisters the bangers, sizzles the snorkers, Sears the sausages, or otherwise organises the Sunday morning breakfast.
Chris offers up burnt offerings, or you might say, blisters the bangers, sizzles the snorkers, Sears the sausages, or otherwise organises the Sunday morning breakfast.

At the perhaps more reasonable hour of 08:00 (8:00 am) I completed the daily ablutions posted yesterday’s blog and breakfasted.  All the other blokes seemed to be very quiet and subdued this morning so I thought it to be polite not to ask what time they had come to bed last night nor how much liquid refreshment might have been consumed.

Most of the blokes seemed to be more interested in reading (or perhaps pretending to read?) yesterday’s papers than in doing anything more energetic.

After breakfast several guys went fishing while others went swimming.  I felt it was important to catch some more sleep so, after drying and putting away the breakfast dishes, I hit the hay for an hour.

When the snores were all done it was tidy-up time and then we all headed for the famous pie shop where our final Straddie pies were consumed.

On to the 14:00 (2:00 pm) ferry and back to Cleveland by 15:00 (3:00 pm)

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